About Us
Welcome to Dragonfly Meadows!
Tom Elman came to woodworking late in life. Enchanted by art and beauty since childhood, it never really crossed his mind that it was something he could pursue professionally. Over the years, he's done all kinds of things, including selling crawfish and alligator meat; but he's spent the majority of his life doing some form of social service - for the last twenty years or so, that's been in the form of acupuncture. But the allure of wood became too powerful, and Tom has decided to work at it full time. He owes a huge debt of gratitude to Sean McKenzie (www.McKenzieGallery.com), who's taught him countless ways to work smarter with wood.
Inspired in part by the values of the Arts and Crafts movement, Tom aims to provide high quality, hand crafted hardwood furniture to other wood lovers who appreciate excellence and artistry.
Appreciative of the natural resources necessary to the craft, Dragonfly Meadows has committed to donating a portion of all profits to the Nature Conservancy.